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IntegrityPlus - we have got your staff vacancies covered!

Are you looking for an experienced company to recruit for your businesss? IntegrityPlus can source Temporary, Permanent, Contract, Hybrid, Remote, Maternity and Holiday cover quickly. We have an extensive database of candidates actively looking for work and work extremely quickly whenever called upon to fill short-term positions or those problematic, unforeseen situations. Most temporary requirements can be supplied with less than 24 hours' notice. CVs for permanent positions can usually be forwarded to you the same day.

Who do we provide recruitment services to?

Here at IntegrityPlus we have over 100 clients in the Spalding, Boston, Sleaford, Grantham, Peterborough, Stamford and surrounding areas, each with a very diverse business mix and set of requirements. Ranging from small & medium sized companies to PLC and Blue Chip organisations, across professional, service, manufacturing and food sectors.

I have a current vacancy, what information do you need?

We would need to take a full job and person specification from you, and we will help you prepare this if you don't already have one. Ideally, we would also like to meet you and visit your premises. Other details we will need include information about your company, what you do, and the salary for the role.

Our consultant will then shortlist any candidates who are currently registered with us and contact them regarding the vacancy. CVs of any interested parties will be forwarded to you.

Once you have shortlisted applicants for interview, we will arrange these and make sure the candidates are prepared. We will take interview and filter any applicants which come through our adverts and reject those who are unsuitable. Those who are suited to the role will be screened and CVs forwarded for your viewing.

Once a candidate has accepted and a start date has been agreed, we will leave you to liaise directly with the candidate should anything further need arranging.

If you would like to offer a candidate the role, we will propose this offer to them and provide you with details to send a contact/offer letter. Should any salary negotiation need to take place, we will also handle this.

What are the IntegrityPlus services available to me?

Advertising the vacancy using a variety of mediums including our own website, job boards and social media sites.
Short-listing of candidates.
Full interviews by our consultants on the candidates.
Obtain a minimum of 3 years' references from former employers when possible.
Skills testing specific to your needs.
Literacy & numeracy testing.
Manual handling training.
Pre-employment health questionnaires
Arranging of interviews with you.
Induction procedures, tours and/or health & safety training (on or off site available).
Checking eligibility to work of Foreign Nationals. IntegrityPlus are licensed by the GLA and fully comply with all legislation regarding eligibility to work in the UK. We keep copies of all documents on file.

How much do IntegrityPlus charge?

At IntegrityPlus our services can be quoted and built to your specifications - please contact us directly for further information. Temporary rates include NI, PAYE and Payroll costs exclude VAT.

I need someone for just a few days, can you help?

IntegrityPlus can supply temporary staff from 1 day to 1 year and beyond. We have a minimum 4-hour assignment period.

How much notice do IntegrityPlus need?

We have an extensive database of candidates actively looking for work, so most temporary requirements can be supplied with less than 24 hours' notice. CVs for permanent positions can usually be forwarded to you the same day.
If we do not have suitable candidates on our database, we will advertise immediately and inform you of suitable applicants as soon as we can.

I have a permanent vacancy but want to "try someone out" first, can you help?

Yes - many companies can see the value of this service called "Temp to Perm". We supply a person on a temporary basis for an open-ended period. Once they have worked with you for a while, you can decide if you would like them to stay on permanently.

If you are seeking staff quickly phone IntegrityPlus Spalding ( 01775 821784 ) or Stamford ( 01780 769428 ) and we will get straight onto it! If your needs are longer term please contact us today to book an appointment at or fill in contact form here and let us help get your vacancy filled!

Click here to contact us today if you are looking for IntegrityPlus current vacancies.


Job board search IntegrityPlus know how important finding the right job is for you, it is the key to providing you with a happy and secure future. We have exciting new temporary, permanent, contract
Looking for staff? Looking for an experienced company to recruit for your businesss. IntegrityPlus will source Temporary, Permanent, Contract, Hybrid, Remote, Maternity and Holiday covers quickly
About the team At IntegrityPlus we don’t only believe in providing you with the best level of service we can but we are confident that you will have to go many a mile to match our personal approach
Testimonials You should not believe everything you hear down the pub as to who is the best Plumber, Chief or Taxi driver and we publish our real life job finding activities
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Knowledge library The place to go to find helpful advice on CVs, job advertisements, interview hints and tips plus all our the IntegrityPlus downloadable forms and Policies coming soon

Contact us

Nature of enquiry
Your Name*
Email Address*
Daytime telephone number Head office - 9a Mill Lane, Donington, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 4TL   Telephone: 01775 821784
Stamford office - Orion House, Barn Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2AE   Telephone: 01780 769428
Opening hours - Monday to Friday 9am-5pm (visiting by appointment only) Do not hesitate getting in touch with IntegrityPlus if you have any queries about job vacancies or recruitment for jobs - if we are not available on the phone or live chat please use the contact form here.